The German capital is a metropolis with an intricate, difficult history which deems it all the more interesting when compared to other seamless European cities. Berlin has acquired a skill to reinvent itself despite adverse conditions. It is a city which allows its residents to be whoever they please; it is open and tolerant towards the idea of ‘other’. Its laid-back attitude, diversity and truly unique ambience of freedom attracts creative and free-thinking individuals from all over the globe. This year, Berlin celebrates 25th anniversary of its partnership with Warsaw.

The Great Escape

Beata Chomątowska

Dawid paints David

An interview with Dawid Celek by Łukasz Prokop

No district safe enough

Dr Andrej Holm in interview by Dorota Groyecka

Berlin full of surprises

The City Through Jakob Hein’s Lens. Marcin Wilk


Joanna Turek

Quarter of a Century of Closeness

Leszek Napiontek

The city built on quartz

Dorota Danielewicz

Species: Curator

Agnieszka Pindera


Thibaut de Ruyter